Geoloc & permissions

Authors : Héloïse & Caroline - 30/01/18

User Flow

Required User Stories

  • Main US: AAU whom accepted to be Geolocalized, when I press "My Position" I see it displayed

  • AA iOS User the first time I press on "My position" I see a "xxxx" message prompting me to allow access to my localization

  • AAU the first time I press on "My position" if I refuse to give access to my location, I see a message informing me that I can activate it in my settings later and an OK button.

  • AAU who refused to give access to my location, when I click on "My Position" I see an alert prompting me to enable Geolocation in the App Settings with "Cancel" and "Activate" buttons

  • AAU who refused to give access to my location, in the geolocation error prompt, when I click on the "Activate" button, I am redirected to the native app parameters.

  • AAU who is located with a radius over 500m I see a message warning me that my location is inaccurate

  • AAU who accepted to give access to my location but who disabled geolocation I see a message warning me that my geolocation is disabled with two buttons "Ignore" and "Activate"

  • AAU who accepted to give access to my location but who disabled geolocation in the Alert, when I click on activate, my Geolocation is activated for me


1/ Action nécessitant la géoloc


  • If the geolocation is already accepted and activated don't wait to get the precise user geoloc to give access to the feature

2/ Autorisation géoloc


  • If it's not obvious for the user that the functionality will require geolocation : precede the autorisation request with an explanation on why the user experience will be degraded if the user doesn't accept the geolocation

  • If the user accepts, do redirect him to his settings so that he can activate his geoloc more easily

4/ Carte géolocalisée


  • Adapter le niveau de zoom aux informations à montrer (dépend du métier)

  • Mettre à disposition un champs de recherche et un bouton "me géolocaliser"

  • Le niveau de zoom quand on arrive doit être celui que l'on retrouve en appuyant sur le bouton "me géolocaliser"

  • Optimiser le chargement des données à afficher sur la carte : les charger par zone de 50km de rayon


  • Afficher une carte navigable sur une partie de l'écran seulement

5/ Refus d'autorisation de géoloc

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